With human error accounting for a significant percentage of #cybersecurity breaches, what are you doing to ensure your employees are properly trained to know when they’re being targeted?

With human error accounting for a significant percentage of #cybersecurity breaches, what are you doing to ensure your employees are properly trained to know when they're being targeted?

Continue ReadingWith human error accounting for a significant percentage of #cybersecurity breaches, what are you doing to ensure your employees are properly trained to know when they’re being targeted?

How to manage third-party cybersecurity risks that are too costly to ignore

#Cyberthreats targeting your third-party vendors are notoriously difficult to combat; while these vendors have access to your company's and customers' sensitive data, you have little control over their #securityposture. More on mitigating third-party risks:

Continue ReadingHow to manage third-party cybersecurity risks that are too costly to ignore

Your first line of defense against cyberthreat is a good security posture. How often do you assess yours? 🤔 Reply to have an @msftsecurity expert from TechnologyXperts, Inc. reach out about an assessment. #BeFearless

A strong security posture is your best defense against cyber-attacks. How often do you assess yours? 🤔 Like this post if you'd like a @Microsoft Security expert from TechnologyXperts, Inc. to reach out about an assessment. #MicrosoftSecurity #BeFearless

Continue ReadingYour first line of defense against cyberthreat is a good security posture. How often do you assess yours? 🤔 Reply to have an @msftsecurity expert from TechnologyXperts, Inc. reach out about an assessment. #BeFearless

Why an ironclad cyber defense strategy will be a top tech priority in 2023

Digital transformation has changed both the business and cybersecurity landscapes; while reaping the benefits of automation and cloud-based data storage, businesses must contend with #ransomware, #malware, #DDoS and a multitude of other increasingly sophisticated and costly cyberattacks.

Continue ReadingWhy an ironclad cyber defense strategy will be a top tech priority in 2023